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‘Liminally anglophone wor(l)ds: M. G. Sanchez’s Gibraltarian Stories’ – an article by Tijana Parezanović in Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies (1 February 2025)
'Dialoguing with the Ghosts of the Gibraltarian past' - transcript of a lecture for the Language, Literature, and Dialogue conference held at Alfa BK University in Serbia in May 2024 (7 January 2025)
'Chronotope of the Threshold in M. G. Sanchez’s Literary Cartography of Gibraltar' - a talk delivered by Tijana Parezanović (Alfa BK University, Serbia) at the Place and Space in Contemporary English-Written Literatures Conference held at Charles University, Prague (16 November 2024)
New book by Professor Laura Wright (University of Cambridge) features analysis of M. G. Sanchez's Marlboro Man (23 September 2024)
M. G. Sanchez interviewed by well-known Czech literary journal Tvar (13 September 2024)
M. G. Sanchez delivers plenary talk at the 2nd Gibraltar International Conference at the University of Vigo (14 July 2024)
'Gibraltar, Llanito and Marlboro Men' - Marlboro Man quoted in 9 West Road, the magazine of the English Faculty at the University of Cambridge (24 April 2024)
Italian student Ilaria Barbuto completes MA thesis entitled "Il caso gibilterra nella letteratura postcoloniale di MG Sanchez" (6 March 2024)
'Serbian academic delivers paper entitled "Liminally Anglophone Wor(l)ds: M. G. Sanchez's Gibraltarian Stories" at the University of Belgrade' (20 January 2024)
'Launch of M. G. Sanchez's novel The Escape Artist at the University of Cambridge', Gibraltar Cultural Services Webpage (19 September 2023)
'Gibraltar mounts a war of words on loss of local language' - M. G. Sanchez quoted in article for The Times (17 July 2023)
'Winston City' - M. G. Sanchez does voiceover on short film by Gibraltarian video artist James Mir (19 June 2023)
'Gibraltar’s Llanito language at risk of dying out as locals stick to English' - M. G. Sanchez interviewed for article in The Times (30 March 2023)
'Gibraltar lucha para no perder su identidad llanita en espanglish' - M. G. Sanchez interviewed for article in the Spanish daily El País (27 March 2023)
'Gibraltarians and their Language: twenty-one linguistic biographies' (20 March 2023)
'National Book Council set up in Gibraltar in response to suggestion by local author', Sur in English (3 March 2023)
M. G. Sanchez becomes affiliate member of the University of Vigo's Variation in English Worldwide Team (27 February 2023)
Article on M. G. Sanchez's non-fiction writing in MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES, a journal published by Penn State Universty Press in the US (19 February 2023)
'Gibraltar va conmigo vaya a donde vaya' - entrevista con M. G. Sanchez en Campo de Gibraltar Siglo XXI (12 January 2023)
'Something Rotten in the State of Gibraltar: M. G. Sanchez's Autobiographical Explorations of Borderlands' - an article by Ina Habermann in the journal Mediterranean Studies (15 November 2022)
M. G. Sanchez's 2022 Gibraltar Literature Week talk on Vimeo (12 November 2022)
Marlboro Man discussed at the University of Surrey's School of Literature and Languages (15 October 2022)
Gooseman reviewed by Christine Berberich in Wasfiri Magazine of International Contemporary Writing (1 September 2022)
Professor Newcomb interviews Gibraltar author MG Sanchez (7 June 2022)
‘Between the Colonial and the Postcolonial: Writing and the Creation of a Third-Space Identity’ – M. G. Sanchez's December 2020 lecture at the University of Barcelona published in a special issue of Coolabah, the official journal of the Australian and Transnational Studies Centre (25 May 2022)
M. G. Sanchez contributes piece to new book of essays published by academic publisher Routledge ( 20 May 2022)
Gibraltar and M. G. Sanchez's novels referenced in Dr Ann-Marie Einhaus and Dr Kristian Shaw's introduction to the Writers and Intellectuals on Britain and Europe, 1918-2018 special collection in the Open Library of Humanities (17 May 2020)
Marlboro Man and the History of crossborder smuggling: M. G. Sanchez discusses his new novel at the University of the Balearic Islands (12 May 2022)
Gooseman reviewed by Miriam Fernández Santiago in Volume 31 of the Journal of Mediterranean Studies (22 April 2022)
A Sense of Place and Identity: M G. Sanchez at the University of Portsmouth (8 March 2022)
Online lecture by M. G. Sanchez at the University of Granada (8 March 2022)
M. G. Sanchez made honorary members of the Associazione Italiana Studi Culture e Letterature di Lingua Inglese (January 2022)
Gooseman reviewed by Robert Patrick Newcomb in volume 104 of Hispania (31 December 2021)
'Brexit, nationalism and colonialism explored in new book by Gibraltarian author M. G. Sanchez', GBC Television (29 December 2021)
'Brexit, Covid and Colonial Legacies - M. G. Sanchez in conversation with Esterino Adami of the Associazione Italiana Studi Culture e Letterature di Lingua Inglese' (9 December 2021)
'Gibraltarian novelist M.G. Sanchez in conversation with Norbert Bugeja' (26 November 2021)
'The Fetishist – New Novel By M. G. Sanchez Released', Your Gibraltar TV (8 October 2021)
'How My British Passport Was Cancelled Suddenly And Without An Explanation', Your Gibraltar TV (24 September 2021)
'Somewhere between the Colonial and the Postcolonial: An Interview with Gibraltarian Author M. G. Sanchez', Isabel Alonso-Breto, ariel: A Review of International English Literature, vol 52:3 (19 September 2021)
'Brexit, Borders and the Gibraltarian Voice' – a conversation with M.G. Sanchez for the Barcelona IAFOR Conference on Education (26 August 2021)
'Necro-Political Negotiations: Tanatorios, Funerals, and Borders in M. G. Sanchez's Past: A Memoir' and 'Writing Back to Gibraltar: M.G. Sanchez’s Autobiographical Explorations of Borderlands' - talks by David Alvarez and Ina Habermann for the annual conference of the Mediterranean Studies Association (27 May 2021)
'Contagion at the end of the world: representing disease, coloniality and identity,' a lecture on Gibraltarian writing delivered by Dr Esterino Adami for the annual conference of the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (21 May 2021)
'Dispatches from Brexitland' - a new piece by M. G. Sanchez for Hard Times Magazine (4 December 2020)
Border Control and other Autiobiographical Pieces reviewed by Isabel Alonso Breto in volume 20 of the Complutense Journal of English Studies (26 November 2020)
M. G. Sanchez to deliver 21st Dorieann MacDermott Lecture for staff and students at the University of Barcelona (20 November 2020)
Professor Ina Habermann of Basel University delivers a talk entitled 'Writing Gibraltar: M. G. Sanchez's Autobiographical Explorations of Borderland' at the Annual Conference of the German Association for the Study of British Cultures (4 November 2020)
M. G. Sanchez awarded Cultural Ambassador Award at the Gibraltar Culture Awards 2020, Gibraltar Cultural Services Facebook page (4 November 2020)
'In the Shadow of the Rock: Literature in Gibraltar Online Symposium', Your Gibraltar TV (13 October 2020)
'Writing the Rock: An e-interview with Mark G. Sanchez and Giordano Durante', in volume 16 of the AISCLI newsletter (29 September 2020)
'Gibraltarian Hauntologies: Spectres of Colonialism in the Fiction of M. G. Sanchez', an essay by Ina Habermann for the Open Library of Humanities (17 July 2020)
Border Control and Other Autobiographical Pieces reviewed by Robert Patrick Newcomb in volume 33 of the International Journal of Iberian Studies (17 July 2020)
'Gibraltarian Writers Deliver Virtual Lectures To University Of California Davis Students', Your Gibraltar TV (3 June 2020)
'Gibraltarian Author M. G. Sanchez Featured In Prestigious Anthology Of Mediterranean Writing', Your Gibraltar TV (26 May 2020)
'Mark Sanchez: A Landmark Among Gibraltar Writers', Gibraltar Chronicle (19 May 2020)
M. G. Sanchez's Jonathan Gallardo described as 'a compellingly told novel exploring Gibraltarian identity and history' in Wasafiri magazine (1 November 2019)
'Writer Mark Sanchez says there is a need for uniquely Gibraltarian texts', GBC TV news (17 October 2019)
'Sanchez gives focus to Gibraltarian identity in latest books', Gibraltar Chronicle (4 October 2019)
'Mark Sanchez Speaks At British Association For Modernist Studies Conference', Your Gibraltar TV (24 June 2019)
‘Els problemes a la frontera fan que hi hagi més pinya entre els gibraltarencs: Entrevista a l’escriptor i acadèmic gibraltarenc Mark G. Sanchez', VilaWeb (8 June 2019)
'Sanchez Promotes Gibraltarian Writing at the University of Salamanca', Your Gibraltar TV (22 May 2019)
'Arguing Borders in the Mediterranean' - a seminar given by M. G. Sanchez at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (29 March 2019)
'Gibraltarian Writers Studied At Californian University', Your Gibraltar TV (24 December 2018)
‘Discursive Boundaries: Code-Switching as Representative of Gibraltarian Identity Construction in M. G. Sanchez's Rock Black,’ an essay by Amanda Gerke for volume 57 of Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies (19 December 2018)
'Culture shock in India graphically described', a review of Bombay Journal by the British historian and Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature Nicholas Rankin (15 December 2018)
'M. G. Sanchez: an Interview', a question and answer session with Sara M. Abas in volume 39 of the scholarly journal ES Review (14 December 2018)
'M. G. Sanchez’s Bombay Journal: Redressing the Past from the Colonial Present', a review by Rebecca Gabay in volume 22 of the Kervan International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies (23 November 2018)
'Writing Gibraltar: a personal history', a presentation given at the University of Gibraltar (23 November 2018)
'From Gibraltar to Mumbai: a crash course in culture-shock and intense living', a talk given at the 2018 Gibraltar International Literary Festival (18 November 2018)
'M.G. Sanchez Discusses Gibraltar And Brexit At The University Of Northumbria', Your Gibraltar TV (5 November 2018)
'Local Writer M. G. Sanchez Delivers ‘Tricontinental’ Lecture At The University Of Barcelona', Your Gibraltar TV (25 October 2018)
'Border Tensions, cultural hybridity and the representation of Gibraltarian identity', a talk delivered by M. G. Sanchez as part of the University of Barcelona's Tricontinental Lecture Series (22 October 2018)
'M. G. Sanchez Delivers Opening Talk At University Of Strasbourg International Conference,' Your Gibraltar TV (8 October 2018)
'British-European Entanglements: M.G. Sanchez’ The Escape Artist and the Case of Gibraltar', an essay by Ina Habermann in volume 2 of the Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (25 September 2018)
Going Back, an autobiographical piece published on the University of Nortumbria's 'Writers and Intellectuals on Britain and Europe' conference website (16 August 2018)
'Telling the Gibraltarian Border Story at the University of Salamanca', Your Gibraltar TV (10 May 2018)
'A Passage to Gibraltar: Alterity and Representation in M.G. Sanchez’, an essay by Esterino Adami in the book (Post)colonial Passages: Incursions and Excursions across the Literatures and Cultures in English (1 April 2018)
'The Line and the Limit of Britishness: The Construction of Gibraltarian Identity in M. G. Sanchez’s Writing', an essay by Ana Maria Manzanas in volume 38 of the academic journal ES Review (19 December 2017)
'Representing Gibraltarianness' at the Gibraltar International Literary Festival (26 September 2017)
'Exploding Coffins and the Womanless Fortress', M. G. Sanchez reviews Nicholas Rankin's Defending the Rock: How Gibraltar Defeated Hitler (11 September 2017)
'Telling the true Gibraltarian Story: an interview with Gibraltarian writer M.G. Sanchez', a question and answer session with Elena Seoane in volume 29 of the Alicante Journal of English Studies (12 July 2017)
'Closed Borders and their Consequences', a presentation delivered at the University of Portsmouth (26 June 2017)
'The Border Within', a seminar on Gibraltarian Literature at the University of Salamanca with M. G. Sanchez and Professor Ana Manzanas (19 May 2017)
Write-up on the University of Vigo's ViEW webpage about the 'Language and Identity in Gibraltar' symposium held in Mallorca (4 May 2017)
'The Border and its Impact on the Gibraltarian Mind', a presentation delivered at the University of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca (30 April 2017)
'Problems at the border', a recording for the BBC World Service programme 'The Cultural Frontline' (22 April 2017)
'Clause 22', a piece written for the news site Your Gibraltar TV (19 April 2017)
Walking tour around Gibraltar's 'Uppertown' district with academics and postgraduates from the University of Bern (4 April 2017)
'Language and Identity in Gibraltar' symposium at the University of the Balearic Islands in Mallorca (22 February 2017)
Jonathan Gallardo reviewed in the volume 18 of the journal of postcolonial studies Il Tolomeo (20 December 2016)
'Gibraltarian Identity. An evolving discourse', a seminar presentation at the University of Turin (9 December 2016)
Photos from M. G. Sanchez's visit to the University of Lisbon (30 November 2016)
Professor Ina Habermann to talk about M. G. Sanchez's novel The Escape Artist at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (8 November 2016)
'Fifty years of 'Unbelonging', a piece specially written for the 'In and Out of Europe' conference held at the University of Basel (15-17 September 2016)
'Gibraltarian Author M. G. Sanchez Invited To Speak At The University Of Basel', Your Gibraltar TV (7 September 2016)
'Mediterranean Gothic: M. G. Sanchez's Gibraltar Fiction in its Contexts',an essay by John Stotesbury in volume 21 of the journal British and American Studies (31 May 2016)
'Show your wounds', M. G. Sanchez writes the introducton for cult American author Mark SaFranko latest book of short stories (29 April 2016)
'A conversation with writer Mark Sanchez', an event held at the University of Salamanca (6 May 2016)
M. G. Sanchez's novel Solitude House reviewed in volume 17 of the Italian university journal Il Tolomeo (6 April 2016)
'Gibraltarian writer M. G. Sanchez recognised by the University of Salamanca', Your Gibraltar TV (29 Februry 2016)
'A Passage to Gibraltar: Alterity and Representation in M. G. Sanchez's non-fiction', a lecture delivered by Dr Esterino Adami at the University of Bologna (15 January 2016)
M. G. Sanchez's interview on Australia's ABC Radio National's 'Late Night Live' show with veteran broadcaster Phillip Adams (5 March 2015)
'If you don't write your stories, others will - the Gibraltarian novelist M. G. Sanchez explains in the New Statesman why he wants to give the people of the territory their voice back' (17 January 2015)
An Interview with Gibraltarian author M. G. Sanchez followed by a review of The Escape Artist by Esterino Adami - in volume 13 of the journal Il Tolomeo (31, Dec, 2013)
Nicholas Rankin, British writer and Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature on The Escape Artist: 'Well worth reading, because no-one else is writing like this about modern Gibraltar. M.G Sanchez is the real McCoy.' (1 December 2013)
'The Escape Artist Book Signing', GBC TV news (6 November 2013)
'International Academic Interest in Gibraltarian Author', Your Gibraltar TV (2 May 2013)
‘The Reconstruction of a Gibraltarian Past in the Short Fiction of M. G. Sanchez’, a talk delivered by Professor John Stotesbury at the University of Zaragoza (April 25 2013)
25 minute Interview with Emigdi Subirats (in Spanish) on Catalan Radio Station Antenacaro's 'Lletres Ebrenques' programme (26 April 2013)
'La Rocca di Babele: narrazioni e trasformazioni linguistiche in M. G. Sanchez', an essay by Esterino Adami in the book Ritorno a Babele: prove di globalizzazione (5 April 2013)
'Gibraltarian Author to Feature in Italian Book', Gibraltar Chronicle (26 March 2013)
'Gibraltarian Writers Discussed at Major Conference in Italy', Gibraltar Magazine (31 January 2013)
'Norway lecture on Gibraltar author', Gibraltar Chronicle (8 August 2012)
'Readers Respond to a Diary of Victorian Colonial',Gibraltar Chronicle Letters Section (28 July, 2010 - 13 August 2010)
'Aspectes literaris de Gibraltar', a piece by Emigdi Subirats for VilaWeb Bloc (11 June 2009)
A review of Rock Black: Ten Gibraltarian Stories by Dr Rob Stanton, South University, Savannah, Georgia (20 January 2007)